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live your life now

How to live life?


Yes if you want to be rich and enjoy your life you have to wake up early. Wake up early means you should wake up between 4 am to 5 am. I will start waking up at 5 AM. And for that, I have to sleep at 10 pm. And I will do it from today only. I will wake up at 5 am.

And if you want to wake up early, give your self reason for that. Like what you will do if you will wake up at that time. 

The reason why you should wake up early -

1. You will feel better about yourself.

2. You will start sleeping early at night. 

3. Early morning the environment is so peaceful so you can do meditation. And doing meditation every day has lots of benefits.

4. You will achieve your goals. There is a saying “Early birds catch the worms” and it's true.  In the morning time, our minds can think better and work smartly. So if you want to achieve your life goals start waking up early. 
Most of the successful people like Apple and Google's CEO wake up at 4 am every day. So they can achieve their dreams.
5. You will be happy.

So I also start waking up at 5am. Then I am exercise and meditation.


Yes, stop watching porn now. If you want to be happy and live a rich life you have to stop it completely.

I was watching porn for 13 years now. Only 1 day ago I masturbate 2 times in one night. But I want to leave it since I start it. But it never happens. Every night I keep on watching this.

Sometimes I am crying, why I can not stop this habit. I want to live and want to earn money. But due to masturbating I feel so bad.

This is a very dangerous habit. It makes me so week mentally and physically. I keep on thinking every time about sex. My sex life finished. I have premature ejaculation. My penis is not hard while sex.

My self-confidence is so low. This bad habit just gives you tension and stress. So you have to leave it now.

There are so many good things we can learn from the internet. So just use the internet in a good way, not a bad way. This is a gift for us we have to use it properly.

Many people keep on saying doing masturbation is good for you. But it's not true at all. It's a very dangerous addiction. Every time after I drink alcohol I feel hot inside my body so I keep on watching porn and doing masturbation. That is so bad.

Watching has the same effects on brain-like dangerous drugs does. In some individuals, it can be very harmful, like me. I need to watch porn and do masturbation 8 times at least every month. 

I want to stop it but I can't. I try so many methods like -
1. I bought an alarm watch so I can not put my phone near me for waking me up. 

2. I try to sleep early.

3. I try myself to engage in other good activities.

4. I keep on learning the harmful effects of porn and masturbation.

5. I keep on tracking my dates when I masturbate and watch porn. So there will be many gaps. 

But all failed because I am addicted to it. I am doing masturbation for 12 years now. 

After we watch porn our brain releases a chemical named Dopamine. Then we feel the same as we feel after taking drugs, alcohol, and nicotine.

Our brain wants more pleasure by watching porn because of he like it and then we became addicted to it.  



The most dangerous effect of Porn does to the brain. If you have porn addiction you can not concentrate anything. Your head feels foggy like there is smoke there. This is the start of an unhealthy brain. 


You want to satisfy your desire of having sex the same as you are watching in porn videos. If you are married then it is ok but if you are not you will keep on looking for a girl. And if its difficult for you to find the girl you can do a crime like rape. Or maybe you can go to a prostitute and that can lead to sexual disease. 

It's true for me, every girl I saw I only think about sex. I just wanna sex with that girl. In my brain, there is sex every time. And it's only because of watching porn. 

If I am talking with a girl I am not confident. I will start feeling uncomfortable. Because I am only thinking about sex. I don't have any girl that is my friend, maybe they are scared of me. That I will just rape them. 


Porn addicted person is not good at work and in social situations. And the reason is self-guilt and hate. We know it's bad but we can not control it. So we start feeling so guilty and start hating ourselves. And that leads to low self-esteem. which lead to poor social connection and bad economic situation. 


Your bad social health leads to bad mental health and that leads to depression. 





It’s very important for your good life that you make meditation as your daily habit. It has lots of benefits, for the overall body. It’s getting famous all over the world. Most of the rich people have this habit in common. And don’t think that it is only a spiritual aspect, it’s very vast.

Doing meditation every day for 10 to 20 minutes has a very powerful impact on brain health. Meditation changes brain structure and increases gray matter in your brain.

It makes your brain relax and gives a feeling of living now. About more meditation health benefits, I will explain latterly. That’s another topic. For now, just make it a regular habit. It boosts your concentration power and makes you feel better.


To do meditation just finds a peaceful and comfortable place. Then sit and close your eyes and focus on your breath. If you are doing the first time there will so many thoughts that will come into your mind. It will be difficult for you to concentrate on your breathing because the frequency of these thoughts will be much.

So now what you have to do keep deleting those thoughts one by one and make your mind focus on your breath. It will only possible if you make meditation a habit.

I found doing meditation perfectly after doing exercise.


- Make youtube channel - Yes you can earn well from youtube. Just make your video in Hindi. Because in India there will be so many internet users. Just start making videos now.

- Start making blogs - I decide to make blogs about personal development.

- write E-books and sell them online.

- If you have more than 10000 subscribers then sell your Channel T-shirts and caps online.

- If you have 10000 subs then start putting affiliate link online. 

- Learn about Patron. 

- Learn website development, graphics design so you can make it for clients and get a good amount of money. 

- Learn videography and video editing. 


know that if you have many subscribers or followers in social media. You can earn a good amount of money. Many companies will contact you about telling their products to your followers. And of course, this company will pay you well. 


 - Multivitamin
- fish oil - Start eating fish oil capsule after you had dinner with water.


If you want to improve yourself it will take time. You need to be constant but slow. don’t put so much pressure on the brain. I am doing this mistake for 10 years. I will learn so many things in 1 or 2 days and start implementing it in my life.

Then after some days I will quit all and comes back where I started. So what is the use? The start will one thing and stick with it for months then try others. 

You will never change your life for good if we keep on rushing things. you need to slow but consistent. Choose one habit one time. 


If you want to improve yourself then start taking baby steps every day. That means choose only 1 change that you want to apply in your life. Do this for 30 days every day even for 5 minutes no problem. But do it every day for 30 days. 

And don't do any other experiment with your life. Like if you want to do meditation then do it for 30 days. Then after 30 days start doing your next change. 

Maybe it will be doing exercise. Now start doing exercise for 40 minutes and then meditation. Don't do so many things together. If you do then you will get nothing at last. 

I am watching self-improvement videos for 5 years. I have watched a lot, then what I keep on doing I want myself to be changed the next day means fast. But it never happens. I am the same as I was 5 years before. 

Because I never focus on one thing. I also want to de meditation, exercise, to-do list, wake up early, stop porn and be social. But it never happens. I was only giving so much stress to my brain. And then if I fail in one thing I get demotivated. 

so focus on one thing at one time. Only start doing other things when the first already became your habit. 


Yes if you are sexually healthy your life is good. Your wife will be happy and you will be happy. Think about life if you have erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. Your wife will not get satisfied by you. And it will also not good for your self-confidence. 

so the cure for week sexual health is -

1. Do some exercises like Squads and plank are very effective for strong erection in man. Do them daily to boost your sexual performance. 

2. Stop bad habits and poor lifestyle that lower your testosterone level. Testosterone hormone plays a very important role in sex in men. If you have good testosterone you will perform better during sex. 

Testosterone hormone plays also a very important role in man's mental and physical health.  

so if a man wants to improves his overall health he should increase testosterone hormone level in his body.

and if you have a low level of Testosterone then you can have some diseases like Obesity, heart disease and diabetes.

here are some bad things you should avoid if you want a good level of testosterone -

1. Stress - when we have stressed our body releases hormone names as Cortisol. And when cortisol level increase in our body Testosterone hormone level drops. 

2. Not have enough sleep - Bad sleep disturb hormone in our body. So you should sleep 7 - 8 hours a good night's sleep every day. 

3. Alcohol - If you drink alcohol your Testosterone level will drop lots. So stop drinking alcohol.

4. Sugar - This is also a major cause of the low level of testosterone. 


1. Do exercise every day will cause blood to flow better all over the body. exercise will help in better erection and blood flow in the penis. Do more weight lifting exercises. 

2. Get enough sunlight every day. Sit where you can get good sunlight for 30 - 40 minutes every day. It will give you vitamin D. That helps in the production of Testosterone. 

3. Sleep better. Sleep at least 7 hours every day.


1. Massage your penis every day with a mixture of Olive oil and cinnamon oil. massage at least 2 minutes. 

2. Do one exercise and that is - sit or stand no problem now just contract your ass for some time. This time you will feel a little pressure in your penis. Now release or make it normal. Do it for 5 minutes how many times you wish. 

3. Fry one table spoon of Hing in one spoon Desi Ghee. Then Put a one spoon of honey in this mixure then you drink this mixure of Ghee, Hing and honey in early morning everyday. You will feel muxh engerticc and all your sexual problum will be gone. 


1. After you wake up the first thing you need to do is drink 1 or 2 glass of lukewarm water. This is the first thing. Why because our mouth produces saliva all night and we need to put that saliva in our tummy to get good health benefits. 

2. Meditate for 20 minutes every day. 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the night. Doing meditation every day is very important for brain health. You will also get so many other health benefits. Like it will help in reducing anxiety, help in boosting the immune system, You will concentrate better, Improve your confidence and happy life.

3. Do 1-hour exercise every day. Doing exercise will change your life. It has lots of benefits. Try doing different kinds of push-ups, plank, squats and weight lifting.

4. Wake up early. As I said earlier if you will wake up early you can do so many positive things. 

5. Do morning walk. You need to do a brisk walk. Keep on walking faster. Do it for 30 to 40 minutes every day. Doing a morning walk has lots of benefits. I will tell you later.

6. Avoid eating outside. Why, because outside food is not healthy and it's expansive. It's better to cook food at home. And that will be healthy and cheap. 

It's fun to cook food. Try learning new dishes. 

7. Avoid eating sugar. Yes, sugar is very dangerous for our body. Try to cut it off. Drink your coffee without sugar as possible. Avoid cakes, cookies, donuts, canned fruits, Soda, soft drinks and anything that has sugar. 

A study shows that drinking soda and soft drinks kill around 184000 people every year. Because it contains sugar and that leads to Cancer, Diabetes and heart disease. 

You should know there are no health benefits to these sugary beverages. So why we are drinking it. Maybe we saw others doing it and we also start it. That is totally bad. 

8. Eat garlic with honey in the morning in an empty stomach. It will cure many problems that occur in our bodies. 

Garlic and honey will cure -

1. Heart problem - yes if you have any heart problems like high blood pressure, high cholesterol level then start eating this every day. This mixture will melt the fat that stores in the heart arteries. 

2. It will remove your tension.

3. It makes your stomach healthy.

4. This mixture acts like an antibacterial. It will wash all the toxins from your body. 


I am watching improvement videos for 3 years now. So I should change for better but nothing positive change occurs in me. I am the same I was 3 year before, why?

And the reason is I am not taking action. If I am taking action it will last for a maximum of 1 week. There are no benefits of reading self-improvement or watching a video until you start taking action now. 

Why we are waiting for when we will change our life. Get up and start doing things that will take you to happiness. 

The main cause of not taking action is laziness. You have to throw this away from your life. Just think about your goals. Can it achieve by this laziness disease? Never. You have to take action now. 

And the second cause of not taking action is a fear of rejection, laughter, our capability and what others think. 
we are not doing things done because we fear. Stop that fear now and start doing things and you will see it was so easy. My fear was fake. And really it's fake. 

And the third cause of not taking action is watching porn and doing masturbation. why? because it makes your body so tired and you feel so low every time after doing masturbation. Your motivation dies. So you stop taking important action. As I said earlier you have to stop watching porn and doing masturbation. You will not die if you not masturbate and watch porn. 

If you leave this it will make your life so better. 

you should know, our mind is a superpower. we can do so many things in our life if we face our fear. Nothing is impossible. If you have dreams you can achieve them just start doing action now and face your fear. 

Don't forget there is a hero inside you. And that hero can change your life for the better.

You have to comes out from your comfort zone if you want some positive change in life. Just do it now. Why you are waiting? 


If you want to change your life for better you have to be consistent with good habits. Like your life will not change if you will do exercise for 7 days and then stop for 30 days. And you did meditation for 2 days and stop it again for 20 days. 

Doing this will never change your life. That's what I keep on doing. I will follow a good habit for 3 or 4 days then I will stop it. Then after 10 days, I will start again, I will do it for again 3 or 4 days then I will stop gain. 

To be consistent in the good habit you have to take small steps. Like, do it daily but for some time only. Then slowly increase your time. But don't quit it. 


Yes, only you can create your life. Don't depend on god or luck. You have to make your life better not your luck. Don't waste this precious life by depending on luck. Work hard and change your life for the better.

There is nothing like luck. 


Everything is possible if you want. Nothing is impossible. But you have to think big first. Make your dream big and do hard work to fulfill them. I am saying again there is nothing impossible. You have the power to do anything you want in life. 



The brain is the number 1 most important part of our body. If our brain is healthy our life will be better. What you can do to make brain healthy.

1. Every day learn something. like start learning new language, Photography, driving, swimming, videography, make an own website, Application for phone and read. Make your brain active by learning every day. 

There are so many things we can learn. So make a list of those and start doing those ones by one. 

2. Do exercise everyday al least for 1 hour. When we will do exercise blood flow increases in our brain. More blood flow means more oxygen. And more oxygen means more life. So start a habit of doing exercise every day for 1 hour. 

Doing exercise is the number 1 best way for boosting brain health. 

3. Every day we should eat fruits and vegetables. Eat different types of fruits and vegetables. Eat very less non-vegetarian food. If you do this every day your brain will say thankyou. 

4. Be socially connected. Yes if you want good brain health you need to be socially good. So go out hang with your friends. Makes new friends. Talk with people. If you are a socially isolated person your brain health will be reduced. It will be unhealthy. 

Human is a social animal, so we need people to talk with, play with, entertain with and share with. Our brain is feeling better when we are with people. That's what we should do for making brain healthy.

and isolated or low esteem people will suffer from mental issues. 

when we are with other people it's also a good workout for the brain. In research shows, if you are healthy good you will not have memory loss or Alzhemeir. 

5. take a good night's sleep every day. an adult should sleep 6 to 8 hours every day. Better sleep is helping the brain to perform better. 

6. Eat fish. You should eat fish at least 3 times a week. Fish will give us Omega 3. And that is very important for brain health. if you can cook fish then you can take OMEGA 3 capsules. Yes, consult your doctor first. 

7. Play chess every day. Yes, playing is good for brain health. 

8. Do meditation every day. This is brain exercise. It will make your brain more sharp and peaceful.

9. Sleep at least 7 hours every day. yes, this much of sleep is good for brain function. You can try 9 pm to 4am. if you will wake up at 4am, you will have much time to do something productive. 


Yes, we should know we are human and we are the most powerful species on earth right now. Why because we have a brain and we are using it well. 

You should know there is a superhero inside you. That superhero can do anything. 

why we can find our superpower? 

1. Low self-esteem

when we think bad about ourself we can not produce powerful results. You keep on telling your self so many negative things. That makes you weak.  If you will not stop this, you will never use your real power. 

2. Bad addiction


These are the skills if you develop you can generate a good amount of money. So here are these skills -

1. website and software development. 

2. Social media stars like youtube, Facebook, Blogger, and Instagram.

3. Digital marketing

4. Public speaking

Yes taking a cold bath or showers is very helpful for our body. But yes, if you are living in a cold place then its exception. 

19. read everyday 

20. write down your thoughts and life -

21. keeps improving yourself 

22. exercise everyday

23. be socialy healthy

24. stop being shy 





29. respect your self

30. identify bad people in your life and throw them away -


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