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How to do deep breathing exercise and what are its benefits

How to do deep breathing exercise and what are its benefits  

If you practice daily breathing exercises it will help to reduce a lot amount of stress and energize your body. So if you want a peaceful mind you need to do breathing exercises every day. When we start deep breathing our brain gets a signal of feeling relaxed and calm.

Breathing exercise is easy to done and you can do it without any tools.

Just choose any 2 of them and do it every day in the morning. 

Timing - start till 1 or 2 minutes each one then slowly you can increase till 10 minutes each.  

If you want to take the best benefits from breathing exercise do these 2 times a day, early morning, and evening. 

Best breathing exercise –

1.Fast breathing –

How to do it –
First, sit comfortably and relax. Now Inhale and exhale air from the nose only, keep your mouth closed. And you need to inhale and exhale fast. If you inhale air 2 times for 1 second exhale also the same. It will be a little noisy. You can do it for 1 minute then slowly you can increase the time.

2.Slow breathing –

How to do it –
Close your mouth and inhale air from your nose slowly like for 5 seconds then hold your breath for 8 seconds. Now release the air from your mouth for 10 seconds.  So exhale will take more time then inhalation.

While inhaling feel the air inside your body and say "I am breathing in peace". And while exhaling feel the stress going out from your body and say "I am throwing my stress out".

By practicing you can increase the time of inhalation and exhalation. This exercise is perfect for lessen anxiety and nervousness.

3.Slow nose breathing –

In this exercise inhale air slowly from your nose and exhale slowly only from your nose. You can do it inhale or exhale for 5 to 10 seconds. You need to sit comfortably before starting this exercise.
Frequency –
2 times in a day.

Its also known as Bhastrika pranayama. 

4.Alternate nose breathing –

This breathing exercise is best for brain coordination. For doing this exercise sit comfortably with cross legs. Now hold your right nostril with right-hand thumb and inhale air slowly from your left nostril.

Then close your left nostril with your ring finger and exhale air slowly from your right nostril. Then try inhaling from the right and exhaling from left. This is one cycle; you can do it for 10 to 20 minutes daily two times.


If you are suffering these types of disorders, then Shitli pranayama is best for you. 

- If you feel hotness in your body from time to time.
- If you get angry so easily.
- If your body sweats a lot. 
- If you have Hypertension
- If your mind is not in peace. 
- If you feel anxiety from time to time. 

How to do this -

NOTE - If you have a cold, cough, and runny nose then please don’t do this. 

- Sit down with back straight. Now put your tongue outside and roll it then breathe in by your tongue. 

- Now hold your breath for some time then release by your nose. 

6.One nostril breathing - 

Close your one nostril and inhale & exhale from another nostril. Keep doing this for 10 or 20 times. Then do it with other nostrils as well. 

7.Kapalbhati - 

This is the most important breathing exercise. It can cure your 90% disease. So many benefits. If you want to start breathing exercise then start from this one. It's so amazing. 

Sit with your back straight. Inhale air from your nose then immediately remove air by pressing your abdomen inside. Exhale only from the nose. Exhale air force ly. Don’t move any other part of your body except the abdomen. Don’t press your abdomen with your hand. 

Not do this if you -

2.Heart disease
5. Recently operation of stomach

Benefits of doing breathing exercise regularly –

1. Help to reduce stress, nervousness 

2. You will sleep better. Do little Anulom Vilom Pranayam before sleep. 

3.Calm personality.

4.Controlled blood pressure.

5.Help in muscle relaxation.

6. It supplies more oxygen to the body. More oxygen means more life. 

7. You will feel good, by doing breathing exercise  
daily our body releases endorphins hormone.

8. It cleans your body and makes it detoxified.

9. It makes you look younger.

10. It gives energy to the nervous system.

11.You will never suffer from any mental disorder. 

12. It can cure your asthma.

13. Kapalbhati pranayama helps in weight loss, all kinds of stomach diseases like constipation, Kundalini awakening, lack of sperms, infertility, Kidney stone, make heart-healthy and make your bone strong.



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