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What is Semen Retention and what are its benefits

What is Semen Retention and what are its benefits

If you want to be intelligent, smart, and confident in life then this post is for you. In India, many years before children went to school from ages 13 to 25. And they called this school Gurukul.

They were not allowed to go outside of this place. Why only 13 years,  because at this age our body starts producing semen. And they need to retain it inside the body not waste it. That's why they are not allowed to go even home till 25 age. It was a law you should never waste your semen. They call this stage Brahmacarya.

If you keep on doing masturbation then you will live life like a slave. But if you control yourself you will live life like a king. Now it's up to us which life we want. I hate those people who keep on saying doing masturbation is good for health. I don't know why they are telling lies.

 Nowadays doing masturbation considered a normal task. Because we keep on seeing videos picture online. And it is normal online because they are getting paid for it.

we all need now an instant pleasure. We should know it's not good we should look for long-term pleasure. If you do not watch the dirty video now it will give you long-term pleasure.

So what we need to do -

we need to transform this sexual energy into another form of energy. we should never waste it at all. we need to stop every time thinking about physical.

Swami Vivekananda from India once said that in humans there are main three Nadis or nerves. And they are -

1. Ida

2. Pingala

3. Sushumna

Due to these 3 main Nadis life energy flow in our body.

In ordinary men, only Ida and Pingala Nadis are activated. But if you will not waste your semen for years and do daily meditation then Sushumna Nadi will also open.

Due to the opening of this Sushumna Nadi, it opens start opening all your life chakras. And due to this, you will get lots of benefits.

If you follow a strict rule of Brahmacarya for 12 years then one more Nadi will open and that is Medha Nadi.

After this, your brain will get so sharp and smart. You will remember everything. You will become a genius.

There are lots of famous people who convert their sexual energy into productive energy. They know what will be the side effect of wasting your semen.

These famous people are -

1. Mike Tyson - He retains his semen for 5 years continuously. He believes if you want to win a fight you should never do sex just before 1 month of the fight.

2. Muhammad Ali

3. Sir Isaac Newton

4. Nikola Tesla - Legendary Scientist and Inventor

5. Steve jobs

6. Dalai Lama

7. 50 cent - famous rapper

He said masturbation is a sin and it's making you fool. You should stop it now.

8. Manny Pacquiao - Famous boxing world champion. He said physical relations ruin your strength.

9. Swami Vivekananda

How semen retention do all these positive effects -

After we eat food it will be digested in our small intestine and make as a body fluid. Body fluid makes Blood and Blood make Flesh or muscles. Then this Flesh makes fats. Fats make bones. Bone makes bone marrow. And then last bone marrow makes semen. This whole process takes 64 days.

if you masturbate frequently then you will lose semen that semen is not properly done it's half done.  And your bone will suffer.  

And then if you are not wasting semen then after some days body starts absorbing this semen into the blood. And that makes your brain and body structure so nice.

And it also will give you -

1. You will feel happy

2. Self-confident - Watching bad videos destroy dopamine receptors. And that leads to low self-confidence, low willpower, and lack of motivation.

3. Improve will power

4. Sharp memory and good intelligence

5. Overall good health

6. Relief depression

7. Boost immune system - Our semen contains numerous essential vitamins and minerals including Calcium, Vitamin C, Citric acid, Lactic acid, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Sodium, Potassium, Vitamin B12, and Zinc. These essential vitamins and minerals support our immune system.

8. Improve sleep

9. Increased level of testosterone - Good muscle and high energy

10. good and healthy hair

11. Make a blessed mind.
if we talk about mind there are 3 types of mind -

1. Monkey mind - most of the human has this mind. It's not constant. So many thoughts keep on coming. Our mind keeps on going here then there.

2. Concentrated mind - Do one thing nicely. No useless thoughts.

3. Blessed mind - This mind is the most powerful. Much concentration. You have full control over the mind. no useless thoughts.



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