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How to Overcome Shyness and stop being shy

How to Overcome Shyness and stop being shy 

Shyness is when we don’t want to interact with other people because we feel nervous. Shyness is not good for our Social, economical, and emotional health. You can not fulfill your dream if you are a shy person. So in this post, you will learn How to Overcome Shyness and stop being shy. Yes, you can overcome shyness by practicing these tips.

How to Overcome Shyness and stop being shy

First, we learn why some people are shy -

> They have a negative self-image

> Bad past life experience

> get bullied

> Lack of experience in social situations

> Bad habits

When we feel shy we keep on thinking-

> So many negative things in our minds.

> How should I behave so people will not judge me.

> Is he looking at me.

> If I will say that, I don’t know what they will think about me.

How to Overcome Shyness -


If someone invite you on their social occasion you should go to that place. Yes go and face your fear. Not avoiding and facing social interaction is the number one way to overcome shyness.


There are lots of types of people on the earth and all of these types will not like you. So you should be ready for rejection. You should not keep on pleasing others.

Be ready for rejections but don’t take it seriously. Just keep on moving in your life.


Doing exercise every day at least for 1 hour will increase your self-confidence. It will also make a good level of hormones in your brain.


Meditation and breathing exercises are very effective remedies for shyness. When we feel shy and nervous in social situations our breathing increases, heartbeat rise and we start feeling so uncomfortable.

But if you start practicing meditation and some breathing exercises every day, it will make you feel more calm and confident in social situations.


You have to remove this thing from your mind that people are looking at you while you are in social situations. It's not true at all. People are busy in there work, conversation and life. They will forget if you were sweating and feeling nervous.

When we are In a social situation our mind keeps on fooling us by telling, they are looking at you. Maybe they are thinking bad about me. You have to stop thinking like this.


Every day at least for 5 minutes you should say some positive affirmation to yourself. To change your negative self-image to a positive one you should try these affirmations. They can be like -

> I am a confident person

> I have so many good friends

> I have a good and supportive family

> I am doing good in my life

> I am powerful

> I am healthy

> My physique is amazing

> I have the power to change my life

> I don’t have any bad habits

> I belief in myself

> I am a winner

> I can do everything I want

> I know my real potential

> I inspire others

> I am proud of my self

You can add more positive sentences if you want. 

If you keep on telling these positive sentences to you every day, your life will change. Our subconscious mind starts believing In these affirmations. But yes it takes time.

Do it every day in the morning.


You need to stop these bad habit that increases your level of shyness -

> Masturbation - This habit destroys your 99% self-confidence.

> Drinking - Alcohol causes Imbalance in brain chemicals and increases anxiety level.

> Smoking - You know it's bad but still you are doing it. Mean you are doing wrong to yourself. It's a block to develop confidence.

> Poor health hygienes - Not using deodorants or perfume, Dirty teeth and nails are not trimmed are some common examples of poor health hygiene. If we will have poor health hygiene our self-image will be less.

> Poor clothes fashion - We should wear proper fit clothes. They should not loose or too tight. So whenever you are going to a social situation wear proper and the latest fashionable clothes. It will help to boost your confidence.


So many people nowadays are feeling shy, depressed, and anxious. And many of them are joining social clubs, NGOs, organizations, and groups in their area. In these places, they will find so many other people, with them they can talk and enjoy.


Just write down your fear or shyness situation by number. Now slowly start facing this shyness situation, when you have time. Just challenge yourself.

When you became confident in one fear then start with another one. You need to keep practicing. Only practice will make you perfect.

If you will fear then nothing will change. You will keep on feeling shy and die with shyness.

For example, my fear is -

1. When I am eating in front of many people, I feel nervous and shy.

2. I became uncomfortable during social gatherings. I feel nervous and my body starts sweating. It usually happens when I am with a group of people.

3. I feel shy while talking with a girl.

4. I feel shy and nervous during public speaking. When so many people are listing to you.

5. I feel so nervous during the marriage and the party. I just want to leave that place.

6. while talking with high profile people like your company president, CEO, your boss, and a minister.


While we are in any social situation we keep thinking about ourselves. Like -

> am I looking good?

> Maybe my clothes are not looking good.

> Maybe they are thinking I am stupid or crazy.

> is that was loud what I just said?

> Many more negative thinking.

What we should do while in social situations - just focus on others. Just see how they are looking, what they are talking etc.

Tags -

How To Stop Being Shy And Quiet,how to stop being shy,overcome shyness,tips to overcome shyness,self confidence,social skills,how to overcome shyness,confident,tips,how to,how to not be shy,how to stop being shy around girls,how to overcome social anxiety,overcoming shyness,conversation skills,how to get rid of shyness,how to be confident at work,how to be confident,personality,building self confidence,boost self esteem,how to become more outgoing,


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