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How to develop self-confidence? Are you looking for an answer to this question? So here are my top tips for developing good confidence. Self-confidence is the way we think about yourself. 

Sign of a confident person - 

- He believed in his ability and judgment

- He knows what he did was right

- He accepts his mistakes and learns from them

- He stays optimistic in any life situations

If you want to live life fully so you should have good self - confidence. And everyone has a different percentage of self-confidence. 

A good amount of self-confidence is very important in our lives and relationships. When we believe in ourself, we never afraid to do new things in our life. 

Without good self-confidence, your life will be so boring. And you will never enjoy life.

So here are my tips to develop self-confidence -

1. Leave masturbation –

Yes, you have to leave this bad habit. It has a very bad impact on your self-confidence. Stop it now completely.  Don't listen who keeps on saying its good for health, it will make you smart, etc. 

So if you really want to develop self-confidence you have to leave this habit now.

2. Say positive sentence about you to yourself every morning -

Just make this a habit. So make a list of your positiveness and tell yourself them every day. Like –

I am the master of my life 

I know I will be successful

I have good self-confidence

My health is good and I am making it better

I have good relationships

So what is the benefit of telling yourself those good sentences?

If you do this habit daily slowly your subconscious mind starts believing in them. And you will feel a good boost in your self-confidence.

Don’t say any negative words to you. These words have so much negative impact on self-confidence.

3. Do exercise daily –

Doing exercise daily is very good to develop good confidence. Exercise release endorphins which are a happy hormone.

 So you will feel better about yourself and you became confident. Already so many studies show that.

4. Start doing meditation every day –

Meditation helps control negative thoughts in our minds. Practice everyday meditation you will feel calm and confident.

And doing it all day will help you in developing good confidence.

5. Set your goals –

Make a list of your goals in life. And start fulfilling them. Without any goals your life is useless and you will go nowhere.

What are you going to do next? You should know everything.
Just make a list of what you want to do in your life. And start doing hard work to achieving them.

6. Find a good source of money –

If you have money, of course, your confidence level will be good. Because money is the most powerful tool in the present life.

 So get a job and start earning. Now you can also earn a good amount of money online as well. Like Youtube and from a website.

And if you will fail to earn good money your confidence level will be low as well. Make your mind sharp there are lots of ways to earn money.

I am telling you if you good amount of money in your bank account your confidence problem will be solved 90 percent. Because money speaks.

7. start a habit of Visualization –

Every day visualize yourself as a winner. Like you already have what you wish in your life. It will really help with developing your good self-confidence.

Imagine you are talking confidently in front of-of people, with girls and you are happy in your life.

See yourself as a winner while visualizing.

8.  Every day spend at least 3 hours outside of your home and office –

I mean you have to mix with people more if you want to get good self-confidence. So make a habit of going out every day and start meeting with people.

Don’t be lazy about going out. Just turn off your mobile internet and live your life. Just force yourself to go out.

Our mind just wants to live in a comfort zone. He loves to relax and just wants to watch videos on YouTube. But if you really want to develop good self-confidence you need to stop listening to your mind.

9.  Start doing those things where you feel low –

Just make a list of situations where you feel low confidence. And force your mind to go for that situation.

You have to do one task that you are scared of at least once a week. Just prepare yourself and go. Don’t afraid of failure just go and finish that.

For gaining good confidence you need to face that situation where you feel low. You can never develop good self-confidence if you fear from that situation. You have to do practice for that.

10.  Every day at night before sleeping writes the action you have to do the next day –

Ask yourself what you have done today so you move forward near your goals. Make this is a habit; it will only take the 10-minute maximum.

This habit will track your action and time. And you will exactly know what you are doing?  Are you going near to my goals?

11.  Start taking action –

Nothing will change if you don’t start taking action. Reading this blog will not change your life and increase self-confidence. You have to take action now only.

The main cause behind, we are not taking action is procrastination and excuses.

12. Stop comparing yourself with others –

If you start comparing yourself with others it will decrease your self-confidence. Stop it now.

When you compare you with others, envy will arise and that is not good for health. More the envy wills more you going to feel bad about yourself.

13. Remove your limiting belief -

Limiting belief are the negative thoughts in our minds. By these negative thoughts we think, I can not do this or that.

These negative belief can be -

- I will never become rich

- I cant travel around the world

- I can not talk in stage

- I can not be successful

Now, these negative beliefs are already set in your subconscious mind. And you are truly believing in these.

We can achieve what we want in life, yes by making our belief positive and by doing work smartly.

You have to change your all negative belief and make your mind refresh. Like we are formating our cellphone.

Just tell your self every day I CAN DO IT.

14. Don’t repeat your mistakes -

When we keep on repeating our mistakes it keeps on destroying our confidence.

You know smoking, drinking, chewing tobacco, masturbation, and eating fast food are bad for your life.

But if you keep on doing these bad things, you are working against your belief. And that leads to low self-esteem.

Make a list of things and bad habits that you want to remove from your life. Then eliminate them one by one and please never repeat them.

If you will do this,  you will see so much boost in your self-confidence.

15. Use a good fragrant deodorant -

In studies, it shows that, if you use a good and fragrant deodorant that will boost your self-confidence.

So go to the market and buy a nice fragrant deodorant for yourself. 


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