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How to cure heart disease | Cure coronary artery disease naturally

How to cure heart disease | Cure coronary artery disease naturally

Heart disease is the number one reason for death in India. Most of us don’t know how to cure heart disease own. Yes, it is possible to avoid heart disease by own, if you will follow these steps.

The most common heart disease is coronary artery disease (CAD). In this disease, those arteries get blocked which supplies blood to the heart. When blood supply stop in the heart then there will be a heart attack.

The coronary artery gets blocked due to the deposition of BAD Cholesterol in them.


If we get less sleep every night chance of having a heart attack, stroke, and high blood pressure increase. So we should take at least 6 hours of sleep every night. 


- Running every day at least for 30 minutes lower the bad cholesterol LDL and increase good cholesterol HDL.

- Running also makes your blood pressure normal.

- Running makes the heart strong. Our heart is the same as a muscle and it needs exercise. By running the heart is doing good exercise and that makes it strong.

- Running helps to prevent blood clots in arteries. Our blood flow became better by running every day.

If you can not run then just do brisk walking for 35 minutes at least.

You should walk at least 10 minutes after eating dinner. 


 - Doing exercise every day will increase and improve blood circulation.

- Our body will get good amount of oxygen.

- It gives good strength to the heart.

- it lowers your blood pressure and bad cholesterol level.

- exercise helps in decreasing blood sugar levels and that's good for heart health.


Breathing exercise can cure heart problems if done every day. You should try using these breathing exercises.

In starting do these exercises for 5 minutes then after some days, you can increase the timings.

 - Bhastrika pranayama = 5 minutes

- Kapalbhati = 5 minutes

- Anulom vilom = 5 minutes  


 Doing meditation every day lowers your blood pressure. Meditation has lots of other benefits as well.

Meditation also lessens your stress level and stress is also a major cause of heart attacks.


Nicotine present in tobacco causes narrowing and hardening of arteries and that in case blood pressure. And it increases your chance of having a heart attack, stroke, and blocked arteries.

And this is really happening. Evey smoker and drinker thinks he will never suffer from this kind of disease. But when he had a heart attack then he knows he was wrong.


 - Sugar - Cakes, artificial sugar beverages, and cookies

- Butter

- Animal meat

- Dalda - Vegetable oil 

- Refined oil - You can Use Pure Cow Ghee instead of Refined oil for cooking if you want.  But use Ghee in a limited amount as well. And if you are using ghee in your diet daily, You should do more physical activities to digest it. 

You can also use original mustard oil. 

- Cigarette

- Chewing tobacco

- Alcohol

- Egg

- Fried food

- Food with a high content of Sodium like Ketchup and Mayonnaise.

- White flour - its also known as Maida and from white flour we made Pizza, Burger, samosa, momos, Panipuri, Noodles, bread and donuts.

 When we eat white flour on a daily basis it increases the sugar level in our body. Because its Glycemic index (GI) is higher. And this can make your Diabetic.

And Diabetes is not good for the heart.

White flour also increases LDL or bad cholesterol levels in the blood.


- Fruits and vegetables are full of Finbers and antioxidants. You should eat them daily.

Fruits and vegetables reduce cholesterol levels.

Your diet should be 80 % fruits vegetables and only 20 % non-veg.

If you can leave eating nonveg that will be so good as well.

If you control what you eat, then you will also control heart disease.

So eat more fruits and vegetables in your diet. These are good for our whole body.


You should eat fatty fish with Omega 3 fatty acid 2 times in a week. These fatty fish include Salmon, Trouts, Tuna, and Sardines.

And if you can not find these fishes use Omega 3 fish oil tablets.

For vegetarians, you can get it from Flaxseeds, walnuts, and Soybeans.

Why Omega 3 Is good for the heart -

- Omega 3 reduces the Triglyceiods level in blood. Triglycerides are bad fats.

- Omega 3 helps in reducing blood pressure.

- Omega 3 helps in reducing stress and that is also the main cause of heart problems.


Check your -

Suger, Cholesterol, Sodium, Kidney, blood pressure, and weight.

11. EAT LESS -

Less eating put less fat and sodium in our body. So try to eat less.


Get some Arjun chaal and boil it with some water. It will be in powder form and you need to use half a table spoon with 1 and a half cup of water.  

When water remains half-close the fire. Then strain it and drink it like tea. Don’t mix anything just drink slowly like tea.

This is very healthy for the heart because of its Alkaline nature. You can easily get it online or from any medical store.


 Bottle gourd juice is a very effective remedy for heart blockage. Just clean the Bottle gourd properly, don’t remove its outer shell. 

Then make a glass of juice. Mix some mints leaves and little black pepper if you want.


When we say negative to ourself our heart feels bad, yes it's true. Heart arteries start becoming narrow if, we keep on saying negative to ourselves.

Love and respect your self if you want a healthy heart.

Just think positive - after you wake up saying these positive sentences to yourself.

- I am healthy.

- My heart is healthy and strong

- I love my self

- I proud of myself for making positive change in my life

- I am rich and I am doing good work to become richer.

- My family is good

- I have good friends

- People respect me

- I am so smart

You can add if you want to add any positive sentences. It will make your heart feels better.

When we say negative to yourself it gives so much stress to our heart. And that stress can cause many heart problems.


Press little down from the base of the small finger on the left side of the hand. Keep on pressing this point for 5 minutes it also gives relief in heart pain.


Eating garlic with honey in empty stomach in the morning is very effective for curing heart problems. This mixture makes good blood circulation and there will be no blood clot in your body. 


Brown rice is full of fibers and nutrients. And it is good for the heart. So start eating brown rice. 


Soak a tablespoon of Fenugreek seed in one glass of hot water every night. Then in the morning drink that water and eat the seed. 

This practice will clean your blood and make it alkaline. You can do this practice until 90 days then give 15 days break. Then if you have heart problems left, start it again.

19. Avoid too much salt or Sodium.

Sodium helps to hold the water in our body but Too much salt in our blood holds much water with it. That leads to an increase in blood volume. last heart gets extra stress and its blood pressure increase. Increased blood pressure leads to so many cardiovascular diseases.

We should not eat more than 1.5 grams of salt per day. 1 teaspoon salt contain 2300 (2.3 Gram) Mg of Sodium.

Avoid drinking the juice or soft drink, processed food we get from the market they contain so much sodium.  


Don't take all these home remedies at once. Just use only 1 or 2. Not more than 2. 



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