What is the Difference Between Judge and Magistrate in India
Magistrates and judges are different they have different designations. Here is the difference between Judge and magistrate.
2. Judge hear more Large and complex cases, But magistrate hears smaller crime cases like a traffic offense.
3. Judges are appointed by the president of India and the Magistrate is appointed by the High court.
A state High court appoints the Judicial magistrate and chief Judicial magistrate but the district magistrate is appointed by the state governor.
4. Judge cover a larger area of jurisdiction like a state or nation but Megistrtae has a small area of Jurisdiction like district or town.
5. Megistrte doesn’t have the power to give life imprisonment or death punishment but a Judge can give someone death or life imprisonment punishment on the behalf of evidence.
6. A magistrate may not have a law degree but a Judge always has a degree of law.
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