Difference between rich and poor people | Rich and Poor
We all have the same time and potential but why some people get rich but others not. Most of the richest people don’t come from richer families. They have some different qualities that make them rich.
And they are enjoying their life by traveling, eating healthy and spending time with family. There is one saying - It's not your fault if you were born poor but it is your fault if you die poor.
1. Rich people make many assets so they can generate good monthly income. Those assets can be -
- online earning
- Rented Property
- Good job
Poor people just spend their money on useless things. They just want to show off.
2. Rich people save some amount of money every month anyhow. But poor people just love to spend.
3. Rich people keep on improving there self every time. They keep on learning every time. They learn new skills that can give them money till they died.
But poor people don’t want to change. They don’t want to comes out of their comfort zone.
4.Rich people's incomes come from different sources. But poor people have only one way of income and that is their job.
They don’t like to do some extra work.
5.Rich people care about their mental and physical health. Poor people don’t care about their health. Because they don’t have self-respect.
6. Rich people don’t have any bad habit like -
- Girls
- Tobacco
- Alcohols
- drugs
- masturbation
- Sleeping late
- waking up late
- night clubs or party
But poor people have most of these bad habits.
7. Rich people have many and good relations with others. They know many people. And they can easily get any information from them.
But poor people don’t have many contacts. So they have less opportunity and information.
8. Rich people have specific goals in life. And they work hard to achieve them. They know what they are doing. But on the other side poor people, don’t have any goals.
If poor people make goals there motivation only lasts for 1 or 2 weeks only.
9. Poor people depend on faith. They believe much in astrology than hard work. But rich people know he will get success only by doing hard and smart work.10.Poor people keep on blaming others for their failures. They will keep on blaming there - country, government, family, friends, and parents.
But rich people take responsibility for their actions. They know why they fail. They know it's their life and whatever will happen it will be only because of them.
11. Poor people have a poor mindset, they think they can not become rich. They will not open their mind. They have much limited beliefs.
Rich mindset people know they will become rich one day.
12. Poor people love fast food. They don’t care about their health so they eat fast food. On other hand, Rich people take care a lot about their health. They eat healthy and make their mental and physical health good. \
13. Rich people gives the job to others. A rich person knew how you can get work from others. And they do other important things or they just enjoy their life.
On the other side, poor people love to work alone. If they have a small business they just want to do that alone.
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