Facts about porn | Facts About The Porn Industry
1.25% of search requests on the internet are about Porn related.
2.35 % of internet downloads are related to porn.
3.With in every 39 minutes a new porn film is made in the USA.
4.A study shows that the females aged from 14 to 19 years who consume porn on daily basis are getting more sexually harressed.
5.Porn website gets more traffic than Amazon, Netflix, and Twitter get combined in one month.
6.There is Death punishment in North Korea if you watch porn there.
7.Every 3 seconds the online porn industry makes around 3000 $. That's why the porn industry is one of the most successful industries in the world.
8.Every time more than 30 million people are watching porn. So right now more than 30 million people are watching porn.
9.50 % of the material on the internet are porn or porn based.
10.A study shows most boys start watching porn at the age of 10.
11.Most of the porn movies are made in the USA than in 2nd number its Germany.
12.Male watch more porn than females.
13.A study shows that 10 % porn user has a porn addiction. They need to watch it every day for a long time.
14.First porn film was made in 1896. The movie's name was “The Kiss”.
15.Teen and Milf porn are the most searched words on the Internet.
Why porn addiction is very bad -
1.Its leads to Depression and Anxiety
2.Low self-esteem
3.Low motivation
4.Social anxiety
5.Mood changes
6.Sex addiction
7.Memory problems
8.Bad relation with family and wife
9.Erectile disfunction
10.Week brain
11.Joint pain
12.Hair loose
14.Smoking, use of alcohol, and chewing tobacco
15.Negative thoughts like suicide
16.Makes your life hell
17.Makes you coward
18.So many physical problems
19.Job loss or no promotion
20.No enjoyment in life
That's why you should never watch PORN.
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