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Amazing facts about Singapore

Amazing facts about Singapore

1. Singapore's name comes from the Sanskrit language word “Singapura” which means - Lions City.

2. Singapore is located in southeast Asia.

3. Singapore is the world's 20th smallest country. Singapore is 2nd smallest country in Asia after the Maldives.

4. Singapore flag has 2 horizontal colors, Red on top and white on the bottom. In red color, there is also a crescent moon with 5 white stars.

Amazing facts about singapore

5. There are 4 official languages in Singapore. They are English, Chinese, Tamil, and Malay. Tamil is commonly spoken in south India. These Indian people make around 7 % of Singapore citizens.

The main population in Singapore are - Chinese, Malaysian and Tamil people.  

6. Singapore is made of 64 islands. The most popular islands in Singapore are -  Sentosa, Pulau Ubin, St John’s Island, and Sisters’ Islands.

7. Singapore has the world's first night zoo called - Night Safari.

8. Male Singaporean should do service for at least 2 years in the Singapore military.

9. National icon of Singapore is half lion and half fish. Which is known as Merlion.

10. Singapore has the world's 8th number tallest fountain. The fountain is located in Suntec City. This is also known as the Fountain of Wealth.

11. Hawker centers or food courts in Singapore provide the best and budgeted meals. Here are some of the best hawker centers in Singapore.

- Chinatown food center

- chomp food center

- Maxwell road hawker center

- Lau Pa Sat

12. Building in Singapore can not be more than 280 meters tall. It is because the military base in Singapore is located near the business district. For safety reasons, the height should be less than 280 meters.

There is only one building in Singapore that is 290.7 meters tall its Guoco Tower.

13. Singapore Changi Airport is the world's best airport.

14. Singapore get full freedom from the united kingdom in 1959 and in 1963 became a part of Malaysia. In 1965 Singapore became an independent country.

15. Most of the people in Singapore follow the Buddhism religion. There is also some population that follows Christianity, Islam, Taoism, and Hinduism.

16. Singapore Botanic Gardens is designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site on 4th July 2015.

17. Singapore currency in Singapore dollar.

1 SGD = 55 Indian rupee.

1 USD = 1.33 SGD

They also have 1000 SGD notes.

18. Malaysia is connected with Singapore with a 1 KM road known as Johor–Singapore Causeway.

19. Chew gum is ban in Singapore.

20. Some popular Singapore food is -

- Satay = grilled chicken or beef with peanut sauce.

- Singapore Chili Crab

- Roti - fried flatbread originated from India. Served with a thick dish.

- Hainanese chicken rice - Steamed chicken with rice.

- Laksa - Rice noodles with spicy coconut soup, shrimps, chicken, eggs, and fish flakes.

- Nasi Lemak - Coconut rice with an omelet, anchovies (small fish), Chilli paste, and sliced cucumber.

21. Singapore is one of the least corrupted countries in the world. Singapore is also very safe to travel anytime because the crime rate is very low.

22. Singapore flyer is the 3rd world's largest and Asia number 1 Ferris wheel in the world.

23. It's a crime if you will not flush the toilet after use.

24. Singapore zoo in Asia number 1 best and world's number 3rd best zoo.

25. The salary of the Singapore prime minister is 4 times higher than the USA president.
Singapore pays well to government employees. A police officer's monthly salary is around 7000 SGD. That also makes Singapore the least corrupted nation.

26. 1 out of 6 people in Singapore is a millionaire.

27. Singapore has the 4th highest GDP per capita in the world.

28. You can not directly criticize the Singapore government, it's not allowed In Singapore.

29. Singapore passport is the world's 2nd most powerful passport. Singaporean people can visit 190 countries without getting a visa or they need only a visa on arrival. Japan passport is the strongest and number 1 in the world.

30. Sentosa island is a very famous place to visit in Singapore. You can enjoy so many activities here.

31. Singapore is one of the 4 Asian tiger countries. The other 3 countries are - Taiwan, Hong Kong, and South Korea. These countries maintain a high level of economic growth every time. These countries export a lot of things to other countries.

32. Singapore government provides many facilities to needy citizens. There are very less people who live a poor life in Singapore. 

If needy people want help from the government they will get free medical and education. Singaporean government also provides 400 to 1000 SGD to needy people every month.

33. There are some world-famous casinos in Singapore like Marina bay sands casino and resorts world Sentosa casino. Local people need to pay 100 SGD to enter these casinos but foreigner entry is free.

34. To make traffic under control in Singapore if you buy a car, you need to pay an extra around 35000 SGD to register your vehicle. It's so expensive to get a car in Singapore.

35. If you get caught naked in Singapore, you need to pay around 2000 SGD.

36. Littering in Singapore can lead up to 300 SGD fine.

37. Marina bay sands is one of the most Instagrammed hotels in the world. And most of the time this hotel has 99 % occupancy.

38. There is a democracy with a parliamentary system in Singapore. There is only 1 dominating party named as People action party (PAP). The Prime minister is the head of government.

39. Singapore is the 3rd most densely populated country in the world after Macao China is 2nd and 1st is Monaco. 


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