Interesting facts about Switzerland 1.Switzerland is one of the developed countries where living standards are high. The crime rate here is very low. 2.Switzerland located in Europe and the capital city is Bern. The largest city is Zurich. 3.Most of the Indian or Bollywood movies and songs are get Filmed in Switzerland. 4.Switzerland is one of the countries where a cup of coffee is a little expensive. 1 cup of coffee in Switzerland will cost around 5 to 7 USD (530 INR). 5. It's against the law in Switzerland to keep only 1 pet, it should be in a pair. If you have a pet dog, you need to pay an annual tax for that. You must implant your dog with a microchip. You need to complete training as well if you want to own a dog and Dogs are allowed in most of the restaurants in Switzerland. 6.All the Swiss men need to complete military training. 7.People of Switzerland eat more chocolates than any other country. 8.Switzerland has filmed is many star...