Himalaya Liv 52 Syrup Benefits
The quantity of Himalaya Liv 52 Syrup is 200 ml and the price is 135 INR. It can be also taken by Children.
Dosage: For children use 1/2 tea-spoon twice a day, For Adults use 1-1/2 tea-spoon twice a day.
Main ingridients in Himalaya Liv 52 -
Chicory -
Its also known as Kasani and help the liver against alcohol toxicity. It is also an antioxidant that fights with free radicles in our body.
The Caper Bush -
Its also known as Himsra and improve the function of the liver. It also helps in lowering the level of liver enzymes (ALT and AST).
Benefits of Himalaya Liv 52 Syrup -
1. Protect the liver from any damage like alcohol and toxins. It helps in curing many liver-related diseases like fatty liver and early liver cirrhosis.
2. It increases your appetite by improving digestion and growth.
3. Helps in curing constipation.
4. Helps in weight gain.
5. Helps in the treatment of Jaundice
Note -
Consult a doctor before taking Himalaya Liv 52 Syrup.
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