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What is Third Eye (Pineal Gland)| Benefits of opening third eyes and side effects

What is Third Eye (Pineal Gland)| Benefits of opening third eyes and side effects -

If you have good spiritual knowledge then you can do so many positive things in your life. And third eyes make it possible to feel that spiritual power within us.

Many people think this third eys thing is nonsense. That's not true at all. In biological terms, the third eys is known as Pineal Gland. This gland is located between two hemispheres of the brain and just straight between two eyes. 

It's not like your 2 eyes. The third eye is also known as a sixth sense because the Third eye is the 6th main chakras in our body. 

The size of this Pineal gland is the same as a pea and it has pine cone-shaped. In scientific terms, the work of the pineal gland is to release a chemical named Melatonin.

This chemical regulates our sleep timing. Science can not discover more information about the Pineal gland.

In our body, there are 7 chakras and the Third eys is one of them. All these 7 chakras are made to do different positive things in our bodies.

The third eye chakra is known as Ajna chakra. Life energy flows in these 7 chakras. For living a good and happy life you need to open all these chakras.

This third eye or Pineal gland is present in every human. But most of the time it remains close you have to open it by practicing. 

If your third eye is open then you will be more - concentrated, clear about your goals, and imaginative. 

And opening third eys is not easy. Your body frequency should keep on changing for opening the 3rd eys. And it's only can achieve with daily meditation and yoga.

So if you want to change your life in a positive way then start doing meditation and some yoga every day.

Benefits of opening third eyes -

1. The power of your subconscious mind will become high. You will start doing those things which seem impossible for you before. You will start listening to those sounds which a normal man can not hear.

2. Your brainpower will increase you can easily grab much knowledge.

3.  You can travel all around the world by imagination this is also known as Astral travel. Your body will be in one place but your imagination will take you all around the world.

4. You can easily know what another person is thinking. You can read there mind.

5. You will know more about yourself. You can deal with your emotions easily.

6. You will sleep better. 

7. you will not feel any kind of stress. 

How will you know your third eys is opening -

1. Between our two eyebrows, you will start feeling the pressure. You will feel like there is some kind of magnet that is attracting energy. You can also feel little pain. Mostly it happens when you are doing meditation.

2. you feel to do meditation most of the time. 

3. Your perception of life change. 

How to open your Third eye - 
1. Do daily meditation. 

How to do meditation for opening the third eye -
Sit comfortably and breathe slowly from your nose hold breath for some time then exhale air from your mouth slowly. 

Exhale all the air inside your tummy. focus on your breath, feel it while it's going and coming out from your body. Just focus only on your breath feel it. You can do it for 10 to 20 minutes. But start with 5 minutes. 

2. Connect with nature - Spend more time in nature. Go to the park in the morning and evening. Like, go anywhere where you can enjoy the natural beauty.

3. Never waste your semen, You need to preserve semen to open the third eye. If you are married make physical contact only to produce new life.  

Note -
After your third eye is open you should continuous meditation every day. Meditation makes the third eye in a balancing state. 


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