What is Kundalini - All human being has a life and spiritual energy that is located base of there spine and this life energy known as Kundalini. Kundalini is located in Mooladhara chakra in a 3 .5 coiled position and Facing down. Kundalini was mentioned in Upanishads. And Upanishads are the holy books written in 200 BC and 200 AD in India. The language is Sanskrit. So you can imagine how intelligent Indians were. They already know all of this since 2000 years ago. Kundalini arises inside the mother's womb during the development of the child. This kundalini gives a new child life energy and then when its work is done it coiled itself in the base of the spine. When kundalini arises it comes up with the help of Nadis. We have 3 main Nadis in our spine - 1. Ida - Contain air 2. Pingla - contain air 3. Sushumna - contain semen It's like a snake that is coiled. And when Kundalini awakes its keeps on going up and starts opening all...